I was born in Locarno, on March 6, 1980, am married and have three children (2006, 2009, 2014).

Pamela Lupi

Pamela Lupi

Founder & CEO


Administration, Public Relations, Production

As a child I always dreamed of working with children and young people. My interest in social work and my leaning towards being among people was already strong during my childhood and adolescent years.

This is what led to my being a scout instructor (Akela) for many years, and I also worked at a camp for disabled youngsters for five years.

These two wonderful experiences gave me opportunities to relate to people, focusing on the importance of each individual, with a greater understanding of the fact that in every exchange everyone gives and everyone can receive, and one never stops learning new things.

I believe that it was these activities that led me to becoming a speech therapist.

After completing Science High School in Trevano, I graduated in Orthophony and Speech Therapy from the University of Neuchâtel.

Having completed my university studies, I spent a year working with a deaf child and then two years as a speech therapist at a public facility.

I eventually decided to open my own private practice, which would give me greater freedom in general, and where I am still working today.

Ever since the birth of my first child I have been drawn increasingly closer to my mother’s philosophy, the philosophy with which I grew up, and one that is linked to natural therapies.

I began pursuing it actively rather than just passively. This is why my husband and I decided not to have our children vaccinated and to treat them, where possible, using natural and traditional methods, (granny’s home remedies, homoeopathy, etc.), that would go towards helping, sustaining and strengthening the body and the immune system above all.

Finally, in recent years, I have also attended a number of different courses related to coaching and personal development. They have changed me a great deal and have allowed me to acquire skills that were previously unknown to me.